| Display site information about | keyword | Search for keyword | | Show similar websites to |
ip: | Search documents hosted at | | Search documents linking to |
tld:edu keyword | Search documents with the top level domain edu. |
?tld:edu keyword | Prefer but do not require results with the top level domain edu.
This syntax is also possible for links:..., ip:... and site:... |
q>5 | The amount of javascript and modern features is at least 5 (on a scale 0 to 25) |
q<5 | The amount of javascript and modern features is at most 5 (on a scale 0 to 25) |
year>2005 | (beta) The document was ostensibly published in or after 2005 |
year=2005 | (beta) The document was ostensibly published in 2005 |
year<2005 | (beta) The document was ostensibly published in or before 2005 |
rank>50 | The ranking of the website is at least 50 in a span of 1 - 255 |
rank<50 | The ranking of the website is at most 50 in a span of 1 - 255 |
count>10 | The search term must appear in at least 10 results form the domain |
count<10 | The search term must appear in at most 10 results from the domain |
format:html5 | Filter documents using the HTML5 standard. This is typically modern websites. |
format:xhtml | Filter documents using the XHTML standard |
format:html123 | Filter documents using the HTML standards 1, 2, and 3. This is typically very old websites. |
generator:wordpress | Filter documents with the specified generator, in this case wordpress |
file:zip | Filter documents containing a link to a zip file (most file-endings work) |
file:audio | Filter documents containing a link to an audio file |
file:video | Filter documents containing a link to a video file |
file:archive | Filter documents containing a link to a compressed archive |
file:document | Filter documents containing a link to a document |
-special:media | Filter out documents with audio or video tags |
-special:scripts | Filter out documents with javascript |
-special:affiliate | Filter out documents with likely Amazon affiliate links |
-special:tracking | Filter out documents with analytics or tracking code |
-special:cookies | Filter out documents with cookies |